BSNL, the state-owned telecom giant, has launched a new tablet in India that wants to take the failing Aakash tablet head-on. Noida-based company Pantel.
Technologies was tapped to produce the T-Pad IS 710r and it’s priced at just Rs. 3,250, or $66 approximately – a fraction above the $50 Aakash.
The Penta T-Pad IS 710r is similar to the Aakash in most aspects. Of course, we are comparing it here with the upgraded version of the Aakash, Datawind’s UbiSlate 7+, and not the original Aakash. Pantel’s tablet has a faster 1GHz processor and a VGA camera, but doesn’t come with a SIM card slot for GPRS connectivity. Running on Google Android v2.3 Gingerbread, the device is equipped with Wi-Fi support and a 7-inch resistive touchscreen.
Here’s a full comparison of the new Penta T-Pad IS 710r with the UbiSlate 7+ as well as the original Aakash tablets:
It has also launched two more tablets 'Panta Tpad_ws704c' and 'Tpad WS802C'. The tablets are priced as Rs 10,999 and Rs 13,500 followed.
Technologies was tapped to produce the T-Pad IS 710r and it’s priced at just Rs. 3,250, or $66 approximately – a fraction above the $50 Aakash.
The Penta T-Pad IS 710r is similar to the Aakash in most aspects. Of course, we are comparing it here with the upgraded version of the Aakash, Datawind’s UbiSlate 7+, and not the original Aakash. Pantel’s tablet has a faster 1GHz processor and a VGA camera, but doesn’t come with a SIM card slot for GPRS connectivity. Running on Google Android v2.3 Gingerbread, the device is equipped with Wi-Fi support and a 7-inch resistive touchscreen.
Here’s a full comparison of the new Penta T-Pad IS 710r with the UbiSlate 7+ as well as the original Aakash tablets:
It has also launched two more tablets 'Panta Tpad_ws704c' and 'Tpad WS802C'. The tablets are priced as Rs 10,999 and Rs 13,500 followed.