
Tuesday, 28 February 2012

Girl Can Sing With Her Mouth Closed

By: Don Deane  |  6 days ago

Make sure you’re watching this video with the sound on, because you have to hear this little girl sing her way through “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star” without opening her mouth at all. Imagine how great she could sound if she tried enunciating, or even breathing! And you’ll want to remember this plucky little Internet video, because it feels like the start of her backstory as a future winner of America’s Got Talent.
Hot on the heels of the backwards-speaking teenager  comes another youngster with an amazingly weird talent. This time, a girl sings ‘Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star’ in its entirety with her mouth closed.

At first, this young girl’s trick may not seem all that impressive. But try it yourself. It’s definitely not as easy as it looks. We got about halfway through before throwing in the towel.

How exactly does she pull off this amazing closed-mouth feat? Is she throwing her voice? Does she have a mini speaker hidden somewhere in her mouth? If anyone has an explanation for this odd (but impressive) trick, we’d like to hear it.